2016 Economic Impact Award Announced at APTAC Annual Meeting

May 18, 2016

Native PTAC Receives 2016 Economic Impact Award.

Source: APTAC, May 10, 2016Native PTAC Award (2)

The Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (APTAC) presented its 2016 Economic Impact Award to the Kylene Peters and Marnie Tyson of the Native Procurement Technical Assistance Center (Native PTAC) for their assistance to Vulcan Products Company, a native-owned AS9100:ISO9001:2008 registered contract manufacturer, which resulted in the extension of Vulcan’s IDIQ contract with the US Army Corps of Engineers supporting rehabilitation work on hydroelectric dams along the Columbia River waterway.

Vulcan contacted the PTAC in January 2016 regarding their contract with the US Army Corps of Engineers to fabricate and supply precision machined bearing assemblies to assist in the rehabilitation of several hydroelectric dams along the Columbia water way.  The company needed help marketing the remaining capacity of their $5 million IDIQ contract.  Peters and Tyson worked extensively with the company, reaching out to the Corps for additional information and supporting Vulcan sales manager Mike Russell, Jr. in developing a range of options to demonstrate the value to the government of extending the current contract rather embarking upon an expensive re-competition process, as well as equipping Vulcan to compete effectively should the agency insist on issuing a new solicitation.

As a result of Native PTAC’s assistance, the Corps decided to utilize Vulcan’s contract to the full $5M capacity with the remaining 2 option years, with plans to issue a modification to allow for a second task order under option year 2 to complete the entire, expanded requirement.  The work is anticipated to run through FY 2018 and sustain the 4 full-time positions created by the original award, while saving the government the cost of an additional solicitation process.  In an email to the PTAC, Russell expressed his appreciation. “Our company is in your debt!  Thank you for all your work in making it happen,” he wrote.

APTAC’s Economic Impact Award recognizes a PTAC that has fostered significant economic impact through direct and acknowledged assistance to a PTAC client business in obtaining government contracts, thereby creating and/or retaining jobs.  The thorough, unflagging assistance provided by the Native PTAC to Vulcan and the importance of the results to this small, native firm represent just such an accomplishment.

APTAC is the professional organization of and for the 97 Procurement Technical Assistance Centers awarded under the Department of Defense’s Procurement Technical Assistance Program.  APTAC supports the PTACs by providing them important information, professional networking, comprehensive training opportunities and a voice in national government contracting assistance and policy arenas.

Native PTAC is a free, grant funded, community resource that assists Native peoples in contracting with state, local, federal, and Native governments within Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.  It helps Native firms with federal, Tribe, state and local government contracting through one-to-one assistance with government certifications and registrations, classes and workshops, bid match opportunities, interpretation of solicitations, bid/proposal reviews, marketing advice, and contract performance support for designated socio-economic programs.  The PTAC is managed by Two Rivers Community Development Corporation (CDC), a Native American, 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to promote economic diversity and opportunities through business development and support, with cultural respect and community engagement.

For More Information, contact:

Kylene Peters, Native PTAC: Kylene@NativePTAC.org
website:  www.NativePTAC.org

APTAC Headquarters at communication@aptac-us.org
website: www.aptac-us.org

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 For help with Government Contracting: contact your nearest Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC). Funded through Cooperative Agreements between the U.S. Department of Defense and state and local governments/institutions, PTACs provide free and low-cost assistance in virtually all areas of government contracting.