Keep SAM Profile Updated

September 15, 2016

SAM Profile Mistake Leads to Possible Lost Contract

Source: Fox Rothschild, Nicholas T. Solosky, August 25, 2016

Small business owners have lots of items on their to-do lists.  In addition to actually running the business, there are many administrative tasks required to make sure that you meet the applicable small business size standards and maintain those standards year-after-year (in order to avoid, or at least minimize, vulnerability to an SBA size protest).

Among the (sometimes admittedly) tedious tasks associated with remaining eligible for small business contract awards is registering in the required government databases.  Over the past five years, this process has been considerably streamlined by the rollout of the System for Award Management (  SAM is a no-cost, government website where contractors must register and provide certain identifying information about their business.

One of the areas covered by a SAM profile is a business’s size – and specifically whether it qualifies as “small” under the applicable size standards. READ MORE….

Contact your nearest PTAC to learn more government contracting and registering your business with SAM.


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 For help with Government Contracting: contact your nearest Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC). Funded through Cooperative Agreements between the U.S. Department of Defense and state and local governments/institutions, PTACs provide free and low-cost assistance in virtually all areas of government contracting.