Kingdomware Shocker: VA Abandons Goal-Setting Argument
The VA changes tactics in its Supreme Court case.
Source: SmallGovCon, Article written by Steven Koprince, published October 2, 2015
In a stunning development in the Kingdomware SDVOSB/VOSB Supreme Court case, the Government has abandoned the argument that the statutory preference for veteran-owned companies applies only if the VA has not met its SDVOSB or VOSB contracting goals.
Although this argument was hotly debated, it was successful both at the Court of Federal Claims and again at the Federal Circuit. But now, just weeks away from oral arguments, the Government’s Supreme Court brief jettisons the Government’s own previously successful argument in favor of an entirely different rationale for refusing to honor the statutory SDVOSB and VOSB preferences.
The last-minute, wholesale substitution of arguments doesn’t say much for the Government’s confidence in its case. And on the merits, the Government’s new argument is no better than the one it has abruptly abandoned. MORE….
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This will be an interesting story to follow. Contact your nearest PTAC as the case progresses and how it may affect your business.
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