PTACs can help obtain expedited CAGE codes
September 12, 2017 – Due to the emergency situation caused by the hurricanes, some contracting offices are using authority to waive the requirement for SAM registration per FAR 4.1102(a)(3)(iii) and part 18.102 in purchases that directly support the emergency response. However, vendors still must have a CAGE Code for any contract other than a micro-purchase action, a process usually accomplished via SAM registration. Without a valid CAGE code, an action will fail Procurement Data Standard (PDS) validations.
An alternate mechanism has been established for obtaining CAGE Codes in such emergency circumstances – and PTAC counselors have the precise instructions required for doing so successfully. Please contact your local PTAC for assistance in obtaining a CAGE code if you are not yet registered in SAM.
Obtaining a CAGE code this way is a temporary arrangement, and vendors should work with PTACs to complete full SAM registration ASAP. Being registered in SAM will make invoicing and payment processes run more smoothly and allow the company to pursue other government contracting opportunities. Unless a vendor is trying to qualify for immediate payment via Government Purchase Card, this CAGE code workaround should be regarded as a last resort, with emphasis still placed on getting fully and completely registered in SAM if at all possible.
If you are interested in pursuing disaster response contract opportunities and need help obtaining a CAGE code or registering on SAM and the Disaster Response Registry, your local PTAC can help you free of charge. Find your PTAC today.
For help with Government Contracting regulations: contact your nearest Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC). Funded through Cooperative Agreements between the U.S. Department of Defense and state and local governments/institutions, PTACs provide free and low-cost assistance in virtually all areas of government contracting.