Contracting “Coffee Hour” in Kitsap, Washington

Coffee Hour offers help in complex world of government contracting

By Mona Carlson, Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal March 5, 2015

Mona Carlson_1425592087021_14460550_ver1.0_640_480Contracting with the federal government is a vastly different, and generally more complex, experience than vendors and service providers generally encounter when contracting with private business organizations.  Ironically, the extensive regulations and policies that can make this process so cumbersome to small businesses were actually established to benefit, guide, and protect them.

Small and disadvantaged firms are afforded the widest opportunity to develop and grow through contracting opportunities with the government. All they have to do is comply with over 600 Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) provisions and clauses (and equally as many follow-on clauses and provisions established by each agency).  It is definitely not for the faint of heart.  If you are old school and prefer a hard copy of the FAR, you will have to comb through over 2,100 pages of regulations.  Thankfully, today search engines, and yes, YouTube videos, make it easier to find the information that pertains to your contract more quickly.

That is assuming you know what you don’t know.  MORE…

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 For help with Government Contracting: contact your nearest Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC). Funded through Cooperative Agreements between the U.S. Department of Defense and state and local governments/institutions, PTACs provide free and low-cost assistance in virtually all areas of government contracting.