FSS Contractors and Others to Report Transactional Data

August 2, 2016

Top Takeaways Concerning GSA’s Final Rule On Transactional Data Reporting

Source: Morrison & Foerster, Tina Reynolds, June 29, 2016

By now the entire government contracting community is well aware that one of the most significant changes in Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) contracting in years occurred last week, as the General Services Administration (GSA) issued its Final Rule on transactional data reporting.  The Final Rule amends the GSA Federal Acquisition Regulation supplement (GSAR) to require FSS contractors and others with certain GSA Government-wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), and Government-wide Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contracts to report transactional data related to orders placed under those contracts.

As we indicated over a year ago in a prior client alert, both the contracting community and the GSA Office of Inspector General had concerns with the draft transactional data reporting rule.  GSA has addressed some, but not all, of these concerns.  Below we highlight some of the major considerations relating to these watershed changes:

  1. Contractors should start now to set up systems for capturing transactional data.

The transactional data required to be reported to GSA will include such details as contract or  blanket purchase agreement number, delivery order or task order number, item descriptions, manufacturer name, part numbers, Universal Product Codes (if applicable), quantities purchased, and prices paid.  GSA will set up an electronic reporting system, into which contractors will upload the requisite data.  READ MORE….

 Significant changes have occurred in the Federal Supply Schedule.  Contact your nearest PTAC to learn more about this Final Rule.


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