Rolling Admissions Special Notice for Seaport – Deadline Extended

January 7, 2015

Deadline Extended for Vendors to be Added to SeaPort e Contracts

This special notice is to inform vendors that after this Rolling Admission period, there are no plans to add new vendors to the current SeaPort e program.

Source: APTAC, Mary McGovern, December 1, 2015

Synopsis – Rolling Admissions Fiscal Year 2016 – Solicitation Released on 09 November 2015 under N00178-16-R-4000, Amended 21 December 2015

The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, on behalf of the Naval Sea Systems Command and the Navy Virtual SYSCOM (partners NAVSUP, NAVAIR, SPAWAR and NAVFAC) along with other Navy activities and Marine Corps, is conducting a rolling admission per the terms and conditions of the SeaPort Enhanced (Seaport-e) Multiple Award Contracts.

Seaport website:   Read More….

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