Strengthening Background Information

February 9, 2016

New Background Check Agency Will Affect Contractors

Source: SmallGovCon, Matthew Moriarty, February 1, 2016

Contractors often complaint that the background check process is slow, while contractors and their employee alike worry about information security in the wake of a sensitive OPM data breach that leaked the personal information of millions of government workers and contractors. Now, a change to the background check process is coming.

The White House announced last week that a new government agency would be taking charge of conducting background checks on all federal employees, Armed Services members, and civilian contractors. The government hopes the change will speed up background checks on contractors, many of whom have to wait months before a background check is completed, while also maintaining security over personal information. Of course, as with any government roll-out of a new initiative, it remains to be seen whether the new agency will live up to expectations.

According to the White House, the newly-founded National Background Investigations Bureau (“NBIB”) will absorb the Federal Investigative Services (“FIS”), the agency that has been conducting background checks under the OPM. The FIS currently conducts background checks for over 100 federal agencies, which according to the White House, consists of 95% of the total background checks performed by the government.  Read More …

For contractors, the new agency could mean expedited background checks and better security over private information. Contact your nearest PTAC to learn more about this and how it could affect your business.


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